This item is currently unavailable.
Please see the H2O SOS system
for a similar alternative water leak
detection system that is currently available.
FloodStopper 4-Zone Professional Series System Package
The Floodstopper multi-zone package was designed specifically for larger residential applications as well as Commercial applications with a need to quickly identify the source of the leak where large numbers of sensors are utilized. The multi-zone controller can monitor 4 separate zones and alert you to the zone that was triggered via its LCD display pannel. The multi-zone controller can monitor up to 250 sensors per zone (1,000 sensors!) and is fully compatible with the wireless accessories. A leak in any one of the 4 zones will cause the valve to close and turn off the entire water supply at the valve location. This package comes complete with everything you need to keep your home or business safe from a major water leak, including the FloodStopper multi-zone controller, the actuator and shut-off valve assembly, the 24 volt power supply transformer (plugs into standard electrical outlet!), and 4 sensors - two top terminal (gray) and two rear terminal (white). Additional sensors or wireless accessories can be purchased separately.
Package Includes:
- Four Zone Controller w/ LCD Screen
- 1" Electronic Valve & Motor (Actuator)
- 24 Volt Plug-in Style Transformer
- Four (4) Leak Sensors
Other Complete System Packages:
Click on the name for complete detailsSingle-Zone Leak Detection System Package
our popular basic system package featuring a single-zone controller, actuator and shut-off valve, power supply transformer, and 4 sensors
Single-Zone Leak Detection System w/ Alarm Interface
same as the single-zone basic package but with option of connecting to your monitored security alarm system
Single-Zone Leak Detection System Extra Value Pkg. 1
similar to the single-zone basic package but also includes a wireless receiver,
1 wireless transmitter and extra sensors
Single-Zone Leak Detection System Extra Value Pkg. 2
similar to the single-zone basic package but also includes a wireless receiver,
2 wireless transmitters and extra sensors
Single-Zone Leak Detection System Extra Value Pkg. 3
similar to the single-zone basic package but also includes a wireless receiver,
3 wireless transmitters and extra sensors